Friday, July 1, 2011


Brandon has been away at Officer Development School for over two weeks now. We miss him so badly. It's the longest we've been apart in our marriage so far. The only thing close to this was for a week after we'd been married seven months and we'd just found out we were expecting our first baby and hadn't told anyone yet. I cried myself to sleep every night. This time around, it hasn't been that dramatic, but lonely and heartwrenching nonetheless. Seeing how much the kids miss their Papa makes my heart break too, although they're padding the pain of separation just a little.

Today though I thought I might lose it. Brandon had liberty for the weekend which meant Internet access and Skype! Seeing his face smiling back at me on the computer screen was so amazing! While he was talking with his sister, he asked her to turn the camera so he could look at me while she talked. He went on and on about how beautiful he thought I looked, complimenting me on my hair, my tan, my outfit... His smile showed me how in love he is with me, imperfections, weaknesses and all.

Unlike myself, when Brandon puts his mind to something there is no way he'll back down or give up. He is committed, loyal and extremely complimentary. I first want to change for myself, to prove to myself that I can do this. And then right next I want to transform for him, to make it all the way there once and for all and to be the person that this amazing man deserves to have by his side.  No more of this hot man with an averagely decent wife. Nah, time for us to be that super hot couple we're all jealous of, who is so in love it makes us sick. Yup, that's exactly what I want.

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