Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week Five

This week was a tough one but a good one. I'm starting to really feel stronger and more confident in my workouts and feel like I've conquered the nutrition aspect of my new lifestyle. That alone is major progress in my books because it was my biggest struggle pre- Body For Life. I have got to admit that I am getting a little lazy when it comes to planning out my workouts and meals as a result though. I feel like I know what to do and can trust myself to do it so I don't sit down and physically plan it out every day. I know it can make a big difference and so I'm resolving to do better this coming week.

Most past challenge participants say that many women experience a 6-8 week miracle where fat just seems to melt off! I know that has to be thanks to commitment and hard work more than anything else. I keep telling myself that other people won't see a difference in my body until 8 weeks so I have a while to go before the comments (and hopefully compliments) start. I really want the change to be noticeable and significant, and that fuels me during every workout and meal choice.

I read someone's nutrition tip about balancing protein and carbs during a meal. They suggested that they try to eat 20 g of protein and the same of carbs at each meal. I don't know why but I never thought of it that easily before. I am going to work harder at composing my meals "correctly" rather than just assuming that what I pick up or plan is sufficient. There are so many tools out there to help us succeed. Why not start using them?

Here's to a great week 6 and to getting myself halfway there! I am so excited about how far I've come in so little time and can't wait to see what is in store for me just around the corner!

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