Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week Four: Breakthrough

4 Weeks! I can't believe I made it to today. I feel so victorious for sticking it out this far, as crazy as that sounds. This is really big for me. I'd have to say that one of the biggest rewards to this point has been that I'm not miserable!! I can count only a handful of times I have even thought about how hard this process is which really tells me how committed to changing I am this time around. Quitting has not even crossed my mind. I feel strong and healthy and most importantly I am proud of myself. I can definitely keep this up. (I'm sure I'll need to come back and read this some time in the next 8 weeks).

I took my 4 week photos this morning before I started my free day. As soon as I put the clothes on I knew that the photos were going to be much, much better. I mean really, could they get any worse? When I printed them off this morning to add to my binder I was very pleasantly surprised. I can see some progress and changes already. Most people say women don't see the biggest changes until weeks 7-8 so I'm very encouraged thinking of what is to come. So far I've lost 12 pounds and 19.5 inches. I'm so glad that I took those measurements before. Those speak volumes to me about how real these changes are.

Free Day today. I wrote down things I wanted to eat all week which really helped me stay focused, avoid pitfalls and look forward to today. It is a good ideato know what I'm planning to eat so I don't just go raid the cupboards and shove unhealthy food in my face! Today I picked a tortilla chip dip made of black beans, corn, tomatoes, cucumber, avacado and lime juice. Healthy but not with chips! And some Tootsie Rolls, my favorite! As much skim milk as I want to drink. Man, I miss drinking loads of milk.

My plan moving into the next 4 weeks is to eat cleaner. Eating smaller portions and eating the right foods have not been hard for me (big shock, let me tell ya) but getting in 6 meals a day has been a challenge. I've run into this before with marathon training. When I don't eat enough, (ie when I eat too little rather than too much), I tend to hold on to those pounds, get grouchier and have less energy to work my hardest. So, I'll be recommitting to planning my meals and getting enough fuel in my body to support my workouts.

Second, I'm going to try ramping up my cardio. Post marathon I could run 3 miles in 20-23 minutes if I pushed really hard. I'm averaging about 2.7 miles in my 20 minute HIIT workout. I'm going to push for those 10's and really try and get in 3 miles in 20ish minutes. I'll also finish out running for 30 minutes just to add a little punch.

I'm going to go back over my workout progress sheets and use them to figure out where I can up my weights too. That's a little harder for me since I switch between different exercises all the time but I'm sure I can find room to grow. It really is crazy to think how even 10 more pounds or 2-3 more reps really add up over time.

I'm really excited to see what February and the next 4 weeks have in store for me and the changes I'll surely see. Bring it on!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today was my hardest day on BFL so far. Actually, i think it is the first time in 3.5 weeks that I've felt challenged, like I was weak. I was busy and stressed, haven't planned my meals or workouts as well as I'd like, have been rushed and have just been lazy, to put it simply. I "cheated" a little on my eating today - ate 6 sweet crackers and a few muffins! Gross. I wanted to throw in the towel and eat a whole bag of candy, justifying it and calling it my free day. But that is something that the old Erin would have done. So, I've put the candy away and have poured myself a tall glass of ice water. I'm trying very hard to get myself back on the bandwagon and get back to my 110% motivated self. Maybe I should go read a few pages of the new BFL book I bought myself the other day. The old one was hashed and I wanted something fresh to represent this go at things.  how I'll be finishing this time around. I hope I can find some motivation!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week Three: Making Progress

Free Day! Whoa, this one I really took full advantage of all the time I had. Stuffed, bloated and onry like none other at the end of the day,  I quickly went back to my last BFL days and remembered those feelings of not really even wanting a free day at all for the way it made me feel. I guess I see the wisdom in using it as a day for the few things you've been craving but not really for a "stuff your face" kind of 24 hours!

Major break throughs this week for me were consistency and desire. Brandon took me to the gym on a Friday night to get my workout in because the schedule was crazy all week with A's birthday and guests in town, staying at our place. I was really proud of myself for not making excuses and for getting it done at all costs. Major victory for me. I wanted to be there and I felt great knowing that I've changed at least a little bit of myself in a major way already.

I lost 4-5 lbs this week, even counting my overly indulgent free day. I still feel like the cardio is almost non-existent and might step things up after week 4. I'd like to stick with the program and see those results but don't think the extra cardio will hurt. I'll check the forums and see what I find out.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week Two: Slow and Steady

It was a good thing I watched the Biggest Loser Week 2 episode this week or I would be completely deflated with my progress this week. I've felt stronger but definitely not leaner. Actually maybe even tired and sluggish. But, typically week 2 is not a major player as far as weight loss goes. And it is hard to keep up with those week 1 numbers. Still, I told myself I was not going to get discouraged with what the scale reads out. I'm in this for the long haul.

I did pretty well on my nutrition this week. I'm really liking the EAS Advantage shakes and had those a few times this week. I think I only "cheated" once with a few animal crackers but I wrote them in my journal and definitely didn't let it derail me. Something is different this time around and even the hubs is noticing. He was gorging on some candy and asked me why this time is do different, why I'm not even tempted with junk food and getting off the plan. I'm so determined to give this thing a real shot and do the 12 weeks that I don't want to have any regrets. Been there, done that. This time I'm giving it all I've got.

Free day was different this week too. I decided to start Saturday at dinner and go until lunch on Sunday. I don't think this was the cleanest way to do things, but more realistic and safer than an all-day Saturday free, in my opinion. I ate a lot more junk than I did last week, but it didn't really taste that great. I'm glad for that. Next week I think I'll stick to my Sunday Special K/ PB sammy deal, although it is my baby's first birthday and cake could sound really good!

My parents are coming to town this week to the key to my success is going to be consistency and a lot of planning. They aren't the healthiest of eaters but they are supportive and shouldn't have a problem with the meals I prepare. I'll just need to find the time to go to the gym and get the workouts in despite all the other things we have planned.

I'm encourage and committed to week 3. Half way to progress photos! I'm excited!

Oh, and btw, my calves are killing me today! Do not wear heels after some major LBWO! That's all I'm going to say. Ouch!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week One: Complete Success!

Yay! It is Free Day! I made it one entire week! Nearly perfect (except for the 4 Teddy Grahams...) and I (gasp!) actually enjoyed it. Maybe it is because I didn't eat a tablespoon of cottage cheese, maybe because I dropped 7 whole pounds this week, maybe because I've actually changed how I think and realize this isn't a diet or a phase but a whole new lifestyle. At any rate, I'm really proud of myself.

I've made a plan for free day with the things I've been craving most this week. Starting off with a breakfast of Special K Fruit and Yogurt, a peanut butter sandwich and a tall glass of milk for lunch and then a BFL dinner with something rich and chocolaty for dinner. I don't want to go crazy; just satisfy my cravings and get planned for next week.

Just think, if I can do 1-2 pounds for the next 11 weeks, I will be right at my goal. And I think that is totally doable. And it might actually be fun, not torture. Who can say that about their "diet?"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yesterday You Said Tomorrow


Wow. Reviewing my past posts makes this one seem a little lot pathetic. You'd think with all that resolve, all that planning and all that motivation I would be a Champion by now. At least. But nope, here I am, January 1, 2012 starting yet again. But for some crazy reason I'm not looking at myself tonight as a failure, as someone who can't keep her commitments, who has never really finished.

Tonight I'm looking 12 weeks down the road and seeing a girl who - maybe for the first time in her life - will have finished something totally and completely amazing. She has always had the strength inside to make it happen but has let doubt, fear and pure laziness get in the way. Not this time. This time my mantra is going to be Finish What You Started. It's going to be about progress, not perfection. I'm taking small steps in a marathon, not a quick sprint and stopping short of the finish line. Heck, I've done the marathon, people! If I can do that, if I can finish that, I can certainly finish this too.

I've got my planning binder all prepared, meals planned for the family for the week and the workout sheet filled out and ready to go. I'm not even gagging thinking about all the cottage cheese and fish I'm going to get to eat over the next 84 days (and forever, really. Let's face it - this has got to be a lifestyle change). But what is really getting me ready for tomorrow is the before photos and the measurements I just did. Yikes. I guess you never look in the mirror and see that person. I'm at my heaviest weight since my son was about a year old, more even than when I was a few months pregnant with my daughter. My daughter turns one year old in 3 weeks and I'm hoping by then I will be back down to the weight I was when I came home from the hospital after she was born. Yes, you read that right. I weigh more now that after having a baby. Yup, motivation!

So let's bring on today and start being proud tomorrow.