Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week Two: Slow and Steady

It was a good thing I watched the Biggest Loser Week 2 episode this week or I would be completely deflated with my progress this week. I've felt stronger but definitely not leaner. Actually maybe even tired and sluggish. But, typically week 2 is not a major player as far as weight loss goes. And it is hard to keep up with those week 1 numbers. Still, I told myself I was not going to get discouraged with what the scale reads out. I'm in this for the long haul.

I did pretty well on my nutrition this week. I'm really liking the EAS Advantage shakes and had those a few times this week. I think I only "cheated" once with a few animal crackers but I wrote them in my journal and definitely didn't let it derail me. Something is different this time around and even the hubs is noticing. He was gorging on some candy and asked me why this time is do different, why I'm not even tempted with junk food and getting off the plan. I'm so determined to give this thing a real shot and do the 12 weeks that I don't want to have any regrets. Been there, done that. This time I'm giving it all I've got.

Free day was different this week too. I decided to start Saturday at dinner and go until lunch on Sunday. I don't think this was the cleanest way to do things, but more realistic and safer than an all-day Saturday free, in my opinion. I ate a lot more junk than I did last week, but it didn't really taste that great. I'm glad for that. Next week I think I'll stick to my Sunday Special K/ PB sammy deal, although it is my baby's first birthday and cake could sound really good!

My parents are coming to town this week to the key to my success is going to be consistency and a lot of planning. They aren't the healthiest of eaters but they are supportive and shouldn't have a problem with the meals I prepare. I'll just need to find the time to go to the gym and get the workouts in despite all the other things we have planned.

I'm encourage and committed to week 3. Half way to progress photos! I'm excited!

Oh, and btw, my calves are killing me today! Do not wear heels after some major LBWO! That's all I'm going to say. Ouch!

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