Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week One: Complete Success!

Yay! It is Free Day! I made it one entire week! Nearly perfect (except for the 4 Teddy Grahams...) and I (gasp!) actually enjoyed it. Maybe it is because I didn't eat a tablespoon of cottage cheese, maybe because I dropped 7 whole pounds this week, maybe because I've actually changed how I think and realize this isn't a diet or a phase but a whole new lifestyle. At any rate, I'm really proud of myself.

I've made a plan for free day with the things I've been craving most this week. Starting off with a breakfast of Special K Fruit and Yogurt, a peanut butter sandwich and a tall glass of milk for lunch and then a BFL dinner with something rich and chocolaty for dinner. I don't want to go crazy; just satisfy my cravings and get planned for next week.

Just think, if I can do 1-2 pounds for the next 11 weeks, I will be right at my goal. And I think that is totally doable. And it might actually be fun, not torture. Who can say that about their "diet?"

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