Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today was my hardest day on BFL so far. Actually, i think it is the first time in 3.5 weeks that I've felt challenged, like I was weak. I was busy and stressed, haven't planned my meals or workouts as well as I'd like, have been rushed and have just been lazy, to put it simply. I "cheated" a little on my eating today - ate 6 sweet crackers and a few muffins! Gross. I wanted to throw in the towel and eat a whole bag of candy, justifying it and calling it my free day. But that is something that the old Erin would have done. So, I've put the candy away and have poured myself a tall glass of ice water. I'm trying very hard to get myself back on the bandwagon and get back to my 110% motivated self. Maybe I should go read a few pages of the new BFL book I bought myself the other day. The old one was hashed and I wanted something fresh to represent this go at things.  how I'll be finishing this time around. I hope I can find some motivation!

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