Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yesterday You Said Tomorrow


Wow. Reviewing my past posts makes this one seem a little lot pathetic. You'd think with all that resolve, all that planning and all that motivation I would be a Champion by now. At least. But nope, here I am, January 1, 2012 starting yet again. But for some crazy reason I'm not looking at myself tonight as a failure, as someone who can't keep her commitments, who has never really finished.

Tonight I'm looking 12 weeks down the road and seeing a girl who - maybe for the first time in her life - will have finished something totally and completely amazing. She has always had the strength inside to make it happen but has let doubt, fear and pure laziness get in the way. Not this time. This time my mantra is going to be Finish What You Started. It's going to be about progress, not perfection. I'm taking small steps in a marathon, not a quick sprint and stopping short of the finish line. Heck, I've done the marathon, people! If I can do that, if I can finish that, I can certainly finish this too.

I've got my planning binder all prepared, meals planned for the family for the week and the workout sheet filled out and ready to go. I'm not even gagging thinking about all the cottage cheese and fish I'm going to get to eat over the next 84 days (and forever, really. Let's face it - this has got to be a lifestyle change). But what is really getting me ready for tomorrow is the before photos and the measurements I just did. Yikes. I guess you never look in the mirror and see that person. I'm at my heaviest weight since my son was about a year old, more even than when I was a few months pregnant with my daughter. My daughter turns one year old in 3 weeks and I'm hoping by then I will be back down to the weight I was when I came home from the hospital after she was born. Yes, you read that right. I weigh more now that after having a baby. Yup, motivation!

So let's bring on today and start being proud tomorrow.

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